I figured that since this was really hard for me to find a answer to I would open this thread. I originally posted this over in the "nueROM 2.2 Bleeding Edge General Discussion Thread"
It seems that windows mobile automatically starts closing programs. This problem has been annoying in a lot of the newer 6.1 roms. Been looking for a answer for a while. And found the below info over in xda. Works great in Nuerom 2.2 Pre 8. I can finally open navizon, internet explorer, iguidance and xmradio in the same time once again. Without worrying one of them would autoclose on me.
"HKCU\Software\HTC\TaskManager" key
then created a binary-dword for "Autokill" with Decimal value "0"
then created a binary-dword for "MemoryThreshold" with Decimal value of "943718"
I have rebooted my phone several times and have not had any close issues.
This is the link where I originally found the info. And props to the guy over at xda for providing the info in the first place.
And yes works great with memory apps like oxios and the latest wktask.
I have attached a export of the reg key I created. I had to change the extension to ".txt". To use it just rename the extension to "reg"