Originally Posted by hibby50
let me just say tat after fooling around with this for a night i am in love with this theme. This will be on my phone for a long time. The only thing i could suggest is adding a widget for adding contacts. And the only glitch i am having is in the weather tab for the picture say it is sunny it displays the top half of the son, then a smaller sliver of the top part lower down. Thank you so much i cannot tell you how much i love this itis so functional but uses so little of my moguls precious ram. TANK YOU!
i cant reall visualize what is wrong with your setup, but just an fyi, it is 3 different weather icons, so tap n hold (in authormode) on the one you wanna move, select move and move it up to be aligned with the icon above it.
and don't forget to get out of author mode before starting to gesture.
glad you love it man.. thanks for the props