i use mobile17.com make sure u use a valid e-mail address, and i selected the 6600 'cause that's the closest they have to the xv6700 and then all u do is select the link that has "w/ lyrics" next to it and then have them send it to ur e-mail. Then upload the music file from ur computer, select the part at which the song starts and select up to 20 seconds, since anything more that that might or might not work, trial and error, and anything less that that will repeat towards the end of the incoming call. But yea, it's a very simple site. I always have it send free, but it just means i have to wait like 100+ mins for it to get to my e-mail. But hey it's free.
Then i download it from my e-mail to my phoen or to my sd card adn then transfer it to my phone.