Originally Posted by pAnChOpUnK
I currently have a PPC-6700 and was wondering what peoples thoughts were on this device. I was considering the 6800, but there is more RAM on this baby, so me being a big fan of the 6700, would I like this device or hate it? I really want the RAM, but is it worth sacrificing the greatness of my 6700? You guys don't understand how much my 6700 means to me...we've been through a lot together, but i want to play my super nintendo ROMs smoothly. (yes, i have the original game packs)
It's a great device, the only problem is BATTERY. The battery life stinks on the device, but you can get by it, by getting an extra battery (FREE) from a Sprint corporate store. Also you can buy cheap $10 cigarette chargers from Walmart, that work well. Other than that, I can't find anything else wrong with it. It's got allot of RAM. I came from a Treo 700wx and I had to limit what apps I could install. I also had to store some apps on a 4Gb SD card. With the 800w, all the apps are installed on the device. I'm even wondering what other app I can install, since I still have allot of available space left. I also love the built in Wi-fi and GPS (assisted).