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Old 09-02-2008, 11:57 PM
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Question Re: BELL CDMA Rom !! WOW !!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Dweeb View Post
I know I am probably repeating this , but… I installed the official BELL Mobility on my Touch on Friday, and wow !!!!
ROM: v3.09.666.1
Radio: 3.42.50
PRL: 31402
PRI: 2.03_007

Faster than any other ROM’s either from other “vendors” or cooked roms. It is stable, fast, GPS is amazing, it gets 4 sat’s with in 5-10 seconds in Goggle maps, sitting on my desk in the house (ok, I am by the window, but face North East). TomTom7 works like a champ, iGo8 works amazing.
I was never ever able to get any type of lock before, no matter how long I waited when it was indoor, or what OEM / cooked ROM, Radio, PRI…etc. I used. Outside it was OK, but now … WOW !!!
I loaded 6GB of stuff on it now (8GB A-data class6 MicroSD) and it is still fast and stable,
The battery life is also much, much better. But the best thing, I never had to reboot my Touch yet, since Friday. Now that is nice.
i got to say, they did a great job on this one, who ever did it !! =D>=D>
Any one has had the same experience ???
what did you expect it is a voodoo rom look at the build that should give you a hint it was probaly cooked by some with or black magic lunatic!