Originally Posted by Sgabert
Ok, I know I posted this question on another thread, and didn't get a straight answer so here goes. I am about 3 months into my sprint SERO contract and I have a RAZR V9m. I want to know how much it is going to cost to get a diamond, In my hands on a SERO plan. I don't think I could stomach $500 some dollars in a phone, but I am willing to pay up to $400. How much does it cost to buy this phone outright? will I get and rebates? If anyone caould please explain this that would be great, as I am sure many others are wondering the same thing.
From what I've read, and I'll be attaching the pics, the diamond is going to require the Simply Everything or Text/Talk/Data plans (same ones the Instinct requires). I think this is a baaaaaaaaaad move on Sprint's part. I know based on this, I won't be getting it now, as I'm not letting my retention plan go for it.
Here's the scans of the price tags (taken from sprintusers).