Originally Posted by GhettoBSD
i've had 3 moguls and i think 1 had it...
My first mogul was replaced because i dropped it and fooked up the button. I got a referb and it had ded pixels. I think that also had a "white spot" on it.
The mogul that replaced THAT phone was NIB. No problems since. I've had my phone for about year now. How do you guys get white spots? I use my phone a LOT. Just so you have a better idea of how much:
- i run about 8 emails to my phone
- i use an SPB set up which is touch heavy
- i like to use the stylus instead of the keyboard
- i only pay with credit card instead of cash (because i get cash back) so i enter every expense into my phone in a file
- i add and remove notes daily to my misc file
- a bunch of other random stuff like listen to music and play solitaire
so i don't know how you get white spots
I honestly think the white spot issue starts when the phone is either dropped, or hit against something (in pocket bumps against a wall/desk etc. because my first mogul never had the spot, but the second one seemed to develop it immediately after i dropped it for the first time (never dropped the first one). seems like the vibrator has such small clearance, that that little bit of bumping moves it into a position that affects the screen.