Originally Posted by petermg
Now as for radios and ROM versions there are differences...... Big differences. Basically the higher the ROM or Radio version the more of the bugs/glitches have been worked out.
You will be starting out on the lowest radio available enable GPS on the phone. After you get the initial flash done you can alway upgrade the radio real easy with out having to re customize the phone after a radio flash.
As for customizing it there really is no way of saving a previous customizing after each ROM flash.
Originally Posted by killian1701d
Ok.. im attempting this procedure but ihave a big problem right off..
I run the first program, and i get the little rainbow thing on my pocket pc. the boot loader i think. anyways, it says to disconnect the pocket pc, so i pull the usb cord from it, and then plug it back in. but, after that, i can no longer connect activesync to it. I can unplug the usb from the phone and back, the bootloader goes from "serial" to "usb" but it willNOT connect to activesync, its like it's locked up. Am i forgetting something? please help!
Just plug it in and let your machine find the phone as a plain USB device. When the phone is in the Rainbow screen active synch is no good. After the phone is detected again follow the directions from there.