Re: Bring Back DHarvey
well to chime in I never really agreed with none of his practices. 1 way back before he became a chef he was using my roms as a way to sell his phones .... 2 it takes time to clean a oem to make a "clean" rom pressing play in the kitchen then not giving credit to the orginator of the rom was not cool .... 3 using the kitchen for the wrong purposes is not cool aka asking for donations for his time to make personalized roms .... 4 his misleading information regarding drivers and files ..... now with that being said the one thing that he never once did was steal out of another rom .. and if he used something of someone elses like a oem he gave credit to them ... honestly I seen the post that he made yeah it was in poor taste but its true and he shouldn't be banned for that
My name will appears multiple times spelled different in this sentence , I have two other siblings with the same name as me, don't think to hard to guess what my name is too , who am I