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Old 08-31-2008, 07:41 PM
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Treo Alerts 8.2 beta 14 for the 800w (New Version 9/1/08)

*Thanks to all the hard work from the developers (Phil Cotton, hannip, Cody Prince) of this great app originally developed for the 700w/wx (original thread HERE) we now have this great app for our 800w original discussion at WMexperts*

This post shamlessly copied and pasted here from treocentral

Preliminary support for the Treo 800w (beta 15)

Note: this version is backward compatible with all other Windows Mobile Treo's. It should work with most non-Treo Windows Mobile phones also.

Changes in beta 14

- Fixed vibe to turn off immediately when a call is answered. This should fix the buzzing issue on the 800w. It should now be safe to use repeating vibes while the phone is ringing again.

- Fixed Ringer Off display setting that wouldn't turn off when it was the only one selected.

- Added Xcast option to select Standard vs Metric units for our intl friends. See this post to find how to obtain your citycode if outside the US.
Note: If a citycode is used the unit is automatically set to Metric. If Standard units are desired go to:
Configuration->Xcast Configuration->Set Units

- Added new delimiter choices for most display options. Examples:
VM=1 vs VM-1 vs VM:1 vs VM 1 vs VM1
To select go to:
Configuration->Display Configuration->Set Display Delimiter

- Fixed typo in shortdate display options.

Happy testing!

Changes in beta 13

- Fixed Reminder Voice Call Id state bug on startup
- Don't show voice settings if reminder alerts aren't selected
- Play reminder sounds even when ringer off (for headset)
- Made boot up announcement configurable. Now obeys timer if enabled.
Configuration->Alert Configuration->Voice Startup Announce
- Made blinking alert display configurable.
Configuration->Display Configuration->Show Pending Alert Counts
- Fixed carrier line "Sprint" display on reboot when "Leave My Carrier Only" is set.
- Made ringing vibe repeat configurable.
Configuration->Alert Configuration->Set Vibe Alert Styles->Ringing Phone...Vibe Setting->Repeat Vibe While Ringing
- Changed vibe program to turn off vibe when phone is answered.
- Added option to not reset counts on dismiss
Configuration->Display Configuration->Reset Counts On Dismiss
- Added Xcast option to allow connection.
Configuration->Xcast Configuration->Allow Xcast to Connect
- Added Xcast intervals for 8 12 18 and 24 hour updates
Configuration->Xcast Configuration->Set Update Interval
- Changed Hide Alert Selection to be less confusing.

Test away! Let me know if you find any bugs.


Changes in beta 12

- All truncation issues with the carrier plugin should now be fixed for the 800w. This includes all of the Xcast formats.

- Added a display option to show when the Ringer switch is off (Treo only). You add it in rotation along with the other display options you have set. If the Ringer switch is off you will see "Ringer Off" flash. It will not display if the Ringer switch is on.

- Added a Display configuration option to show only enabled alerts. This works with the display option "VM=0 MC=0 SM=0 EM=0" and when pending alerts are flashing. For example if email alerts are disabled the display will show "VM=0 MC=0 SM=0", and when you have pending alerts it might look like "VM=1 MC=2 SM=5". For all other display options Treo Alerts will only display the alerts that are pending and will not show any disabled counts. For example if Email is disabled and there are pending SMS and Email alerts you will just see "SMS=1".

- Added support for GOOD email and calendar. I couldn't test this so please let me know if it's working for you.

- Added a 3rd display plugin choice. Windows Mobile has a native carrier today plugin called netui.dll. It has a full text area and included status for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. If selected it brings up the Wireless Manager. If you select this plugin in the Display Configuration Treo Alerts will use this plugin for its display options. Note that the text display for this plugin is not quite as quick as the other choices so flashing display alerts may not flash.

- Changed the installer to not wipe out previous Treo Alerts settings so you don't have to reconfigure each time you install a new version.

- Bug fixes for reminder vibes. Note that if multiple alerts are pending the vibe precedence order used by the reminder is the following:
Missed call
Other Reminders such as Calendar, alarms etc.

- Various other changes including new About page, updated "View Current Settings" page and other bug fixes found along the way.

Beta Testers, please test out all of the new features and verify all of the old features still work. Thanks!


Changes in beta 11

- huge code changes and cleanup
- added multivibe support configurable per alert type
- support for vibes during initial alert

Since TreoAlerts now does vibe on initial alert you should turn off any vibe settings for the following Events in Sounds & Notifications:
Inbox: New e-mail message
Messaging: New Message
Messaging: New text message
Phone: Known Caller
Phone: Missed call
Phone: Unknown Caller
Phone: Voice mail

- added vibe during ring for duration of ring
- new Alert Settings Menu options

(2):=LED & VIBE

- new Alerts Configuration

Set Vibe Alert Styles
Vibe when Ringer on: Yes/No
Vibe when Ringer off: Yes/No

- Vibe Tweak & Test menus
- Changed all On/Off menu items to be less confusing
- Added Cody's fix to stop alerts when on call for non-Treo devices

Since there were massive code changes I'm sure there are a few bugs for all of you beta testers to find and report.

Test Away!


Fixes in beta 10

- fixed sms count and set 0 on dismiss
- fixed vibrate
- fixed timer bug
- fixed runaway led blink

Known issues:

=========== General Issues ============
- For devices other than the Treo 700 series and the 750 series the only LED color and blink rate is defined by how your carrier coded up the NLED API. It is usually a green or orange blink. If you have a device that has a special driver coded up to control color or blink rates let me know and I'll include it in Treo Alert for you.

=========== 800w specific known issues =============

- The Billboard today plugin only refreshes a portion of the plugin after a menu has overlayed it. Just a visual issue that goes away when you open a program and close it.

- The bluetooth icons are smallish in the Billboard today plugin.

Note: the above two issues don't exist when using RealVGA.

- The only color the led blinks is green no matter which colors you have configured to use.

Let me know if you find any other issues.

Test away!
Attached Files
File Type: zip TREO ALERT PRO 8.2 BETA (433.6 KB, 323 views) Click for barcode!
“It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope.”

Robert Kennedy

Ha y'all come visit me at WMExperts some time.

Last edited by Big D5; 12-13-2008 at 09:58 AM.
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