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Old 08-31-2008, 05:05 PM
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Exclamation Re: Is there a way to connect your Touch to the xbox 360?

Okay...This is how I did it. I am only in this location for a couple of weeks. Buying DSL or Cable would be a waste of money. So I came up with a little something to help me with my XBOX LIVE and wireless notebook internet needs...

HTC Touch with Official Update using ISC Hack...

Connected to Desktop PC using USB...

USB and LAN card Bridged in XP Network Settings...

LAN Connected to INTERNET PORT on Router...(Faking ISP Connection)

Xbox and Notebook computer connected wirelessly to router...

EVERYTHING WORKS!!! and Xbox live is not slow or Laggy...

Sprint 6700(Kitchen ROM)>Sprint 6900(WDM 1.6 Clean)>Cricket 6950