Originally Posted by eenieMINI
OK.. I was in a Sprint store today and discussing the pros and cons of the diamond vs the pro... the guy was pretty adamant that the onscreen keyboard would be too difficult to use comfortably without using the stylus. He said that is why you want the Pro.. you can't use your fingers on the diamond it would be like trying to touch the centro keys without the "feeling".
Now he was talking to my buddy who is a man with large hands and I'm a woman but... is this just overkill for his personal preference? or is it really that irritating to try using the on screen keyboard?
To each their own. I've seen some youtube videos and some reviews of the on screen keyboards of the Diamond and it looks easy enough to use.
I also read that someone who got to see a developmental version of the phone said that it had haptic feedback that you could enable and it was easy to use with a small vibrate for each button you push... it provided enough tactile feedback to make it comfortable to use for him.
Your mileage may vary. YMMV.