Originally Posted by ugabuga
So I got the latest maps and got the FL POI's to work, though not as extensive as Garmin and TomTom. Unfortunately, when in 3d or 2d mode, still no buildings show. For the most part I don't really see anything great using the 3d mode over the 2d mode using this app here in FL where I live.
Off topic, anyone get TTS working on Garmen or TomTom?
Do you have the .3dl and .3db in the building folder under contents? Are they they new ones that came with the new maps?
I think they should work from what I hear from other people. I live in canada so I only have a .3dl file and no .3db file but it still shows 3d landmarks.
There really isnt anything great with having 3d buildings (probably mostly because I haven't seen many 3d landmarks in my city but 3d mode is nice since it follows you as you drive and shows you a 3d view of the road as you would kind of see it. I kind of like this better than the topographical 2d view.