Originally Posted by asenduk
Beta v2.10 impressions:
-FAAAAST!!!! (no surprise here)
-never had my mogul boot up this quick after soft reset
-lovin the comm manager
-no issues with storage card so far
-GPS locked in 6 secs with 7-9 sats (using radio 3.42.40)
-25.20mb after reset with 6mb PP
27.53mb after reset with 4mb PP
-build 19212... Kaiser???
-no bugs to report as of yet
-Ext ROM... yessss!
-seems to be ready for a final release
thanks JD!!!
19212 is the new\old build off of the official verizon rom yes it also was a kaiser build so 19212 is the new build I've been working with
My name will appears multiple times spelled different in this sentence , I have two other siblings with the same name as me, don't think to hard to guess what my name is too , who am I