Originally Posted by smarcin
I love my Touch too. And, you can get a microSD card and put it in the Touch. Can't do that in the Diamond! Ok, so I know there's 4 GB of RAM in the Diamond. But what if you wanted to put 8 GB or 16 GB of music and videos on your phone? The way I see it, I can ditch my iPod and just keep rotating microSD cards in and out of my Touch. No need to carry 2 devices. Just my .02.
I completely agree with you. I have an 8gb memory card in my touch. and i installed a diamond theme, sure its not perfect, but its a hell of a lot better than buying a new phone, starting over only to NOT be able to have more storage. If the diamond had an sd slot i would be sold. But until then, nothing is touching the touch lol. Why in the world would htc not include a memory card slot? 4gb is a lot to the average buyer, but not us.