Originally Posted by saumaun
Wait, not the threadjack, but does anyone know if n2c wants a Diamond or a Pro?
If he's undecided, its going to be battle to see who gets his ROMs!
i'm hoping to get both, but we'll see how my budget works out and if i qualify for whatever rebate they have...
Originally Posted by kf6emm
I tried to leave this via comment on nuerom.com but "saving comment" would go on forever and wouldn't save my comment.
I just wanted to let you know that the NueStorageManager CAB file download link returns a server error. The rest of the download links seem to be working fine.
should be fixed.
i've been busy, with a final in a few hours, so ... that probably has something to do with the lack of stuff. However, since the last release, a bit of work has been done... pretty much most of the code is being rewritten from scratch, a new scripting language was written to automate stuff... etc. Other interesting stuff as well, but I don't want to set a date and have people be disappointed... or disclose stuff and have people beg for it...
I know I haven't released anything in a while... and pre-8 was probably buggy, I hope no one is still using it. For now, I would suggest using whatever works for you, whether it is the ppckitchen, dcd or whatever you like. Personally, I don't care what you use =). nueROM probably isn't the best solution out right now... Though you'll find the ppckitchen has a number of my tools and enhancements built in - nueROM3 itself is built with PPCKitchen, so you're somewhat on the right track if you use it. I do know, however, that once nueROM 3 is released, you'll probably take a serious look at nueROM again!