Being we are non Sprint User the Assistance Server will never accept Requiest from Outer Network so we must have to put the GPS into Autonomous Mode (Self Fixing)
I am using this Setting in SULP (Secure User Plane Client With Extended Ephemeris)
GPSMode = 1 means Autonomous (Self Fix no Assistance Required, Pessimistic Approach, Very Slow but Very Accurate)
GPSMode = 2 means Assisted by Server (Less Optimistic, Somewhat Slow but Medium Accuracy Quality)
GPSMode = 4 means Assisted by Server with Extended Ephemeris (Very Optimistic, But Sometime we loose Accuracy Quality)
EnableAGPS = 1 Means Enabled AGPS and 0 Disables it
EnableGPSSmartMode = 1 Save Downloaded Ephemeris Data and also Send it Assitance Server to Update / Fine Tune Extended Ephemeris Data on Server (Require Internet Connection), 0 Zero Desables this Feature
Ephemeris Data = To get Self Fix the Device must know the Position of Satelite in sky, which is called as Ephemeris Data, This is Combined Database which have there Altitude, Latitude, Longitude so the Phone , GPS Device don't have to wait to get Satellites Position from Frequent Satellite Self Position Broadcast by Air