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Old 08-25-2008, 10:34 PM
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Re: DIamond review/new info camparsion

I find it funny and silly how iPhone users act like its the first touch screen device ever developed thats actually usable, and that its a cardinal sin to have to use a stylus at any time. Personally i dont mind using a stylus at all. Its much more precise, harder to make mistakes with, and there are many many times when my hands are dirty and i dont want to dirty up or scratch the screen over something silly. I think WM devices, including those of WM7 should always come with a stylus.. believe it or not, there are many of us who like the touch interface, but also use a stylus.

In addition, the WM6.1 interface isnt all that bad.. its just not designed for efficient finger use. Overall this review is accurate, if you are talking about getting Mr. Joe Average to figure out how to navigate between the different UIs without being confused.. but really for what? He might be confused for the first minute until he understands it. I think people have really high expectations now of devices 'dumbed down' enough for people to be able to pick them up and figure it out completely within a minute.
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