Originally Posted by EtherealRemnant
How do you propose having multitouch on a resistive touchscreen? Just curious how that is supposed to work since its based on pressure... you'd have to apply perfect pressure to the screen and it wouldn't work if your fingers were close together at all.
Well, I don't think that pressure is the limiting factor. Keep in mind that a resistive screen has a higher sensory resolution than a capacitive screen - dependent on the input medium. For instance, the resistive screen has a very high resolution for a small point object, such as a stylus. Since a capacitive screen can't take inputs from a stylus, your resolution is limited to finger size. However, smooth scrolling motions are much more of a pain on the resistive screen, simply because of the need for constant pressure rather than simple finger-to-screen contact as in the capacitive model. Therefore, I don't think pressure is the limiting factor. It'll be whether or not the screen is able to report multiple pressure points or not.