800w 1/2 price of Mogul- value?
I've been waiting for the Diamond, but I just went to the Sprint website to "shop around" and they have the Treo800w for $149 and the Mogul for $299!
Am I hallucinating? This is the same Mogul that's about to be discontinued and the new Treo800w that whips the Moguls stats in everything but overall screen size?
Could someone explain this to me?
Tell me why I shouldn't forget about the overpriced Diamond and Mogul and just get the 800w?
I know that the prices I see (shown in post below) are "upgrade" prices... but shouldn't they be relative discounts? Why am I showing an extra $100 off the price of the 800w for the same contract extension?
And back to the original question... for that price, is it a no-brainer?
The Diamond forum has another rumor floating around that the release will be sooner than later, but is it worth double the price of the 800w?
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Last edited by Trident; 08-25-2008 at 12:42 AM.