Originally Posted by fergdogg23
I am a Manager at BB and the release is not 9/2 for the iPhone. Its 9/7....wow I would be not happy if my team messed that up with all the EXTRA iPhone trainings there are. I mean just look at http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage....&type=category and it tells you the CONFRIMED date. Anyway, the 9/2 release of the Diamond at BB is hopefully acurate, we did get the Treo, and vegas, red curve abiut 4 days earlier then supposed to but the Diamind has been in the system as instock date of 8/17 for awhile now, with none on order as of yet. Also I would point out that EVERY phone listed on the leaked road map for Sprint 3rd quarter has been 100% dead on. Just look at http://mobilitysite.com/2008/07/spri...uch-pro-maybe/ and you will see what I mean.
Just some info.
Sry, what I meant was 9/7 (I was really tired). Also at BB we have 2 sku's for the diamond, 1 for the actual and one for the mocked up demo. As of 2 days ago neither are on order or in transit.