Re: Bluetooth Help
I can verify that I have been able to send files with Resco Explorer 2008 to a desktop PC with a bluetooth dongle using the beam function in Resco Explorer. I know the term beam is normally for IR but that is what they call sending files via bluetooth or IR in Resco.
I also lately have been activesyncing using bluetooth and Vista's Windows Mobile Device Center which is HOT because you can access the file system and install stuff too.
I leave my Titan in the other room on a Seidio dock with an audio out jack. The jack is attached to my home entertainment system so I can play audio on my good speakers. I have the USB part of the Seidio dock attached to a USB port that happens to be on my cable box. Basically to charge my phone. So I needed to use bluetooth to handle access to my phones filesystem.
Verizon XV6800
ROM-------DCD 4.1.2
Verizon XV6850