Originally Posted by HTCBellUser
I think we Bell Touch folks are out of luck with regards to Rev.A option. I've been digging around the web in the past few days and couldn't find any solid information if this is available for their phones. I did find articles relating to June 2007 about Bell / Aliant / Novatel working together on upgrading networks to Rev.A at cost of $10mil (appears eastern Canada only). But this information relates only to a mobile network (ie; PC's and laptops). Well, with Bell being a sponsor for the 2010 olympics, maybe Vancouver might see an upgrade to Rev.A as well, but probably only for mobile computers.
Side note, just noticed that the link on the HTC site for the Bell ROM upgrade is missing... again.
Bell just released 3.09.....the page specifically says Rev A...
time for a new custom rom...