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Old 08-22-2008, 11:58 PM
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Re: Battery Life in a Custom Cooked ROM

Originally Posted by bbeck82 View Post
I've set them to "0" already. I have Seven installed for my email and I'm just wondering if it's sucking the life out of it.

What is the HKLM_Software_Prop line do except give you some "Props" for responding so fast. Had a feeling you would be the one LOL

Any other tips that may help me would be great.

Thanks again
I don't use Seven, but the more you check your e-mail, the more it will drain your battery. I'm not secretive about this stuff. It's my mission to help everyone learn to cook their own rom. (to an extent...)

And the props key was for "mrgeoff" who created the base RGU file, that I stole from old_man_jenkins, from that file is where I got those regedits. A harmless little registry entry. Also your screen settings will have an effect too. Same props, just not included this time:


;*** Change Power Settings ***
;================================================= ====
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Power\Timeouts]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Power\Timeouts]
These and all my other registry entries I use in my ROM are already in an OEM I created for adding your own tweaks to the kitchen. Here is the info/link:

Tutorial: Adding Registry Entries to your Rom (RGU Method)
This Tutorial will allow you to include your registry entries into your rom. I wrote this for the aspiring Chef of tomorrow! After all, Subtle Tweaks make all the Difference! BuildOS Friendly!
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