Originally Posted by gguruusa
DCD 20273 vs ppckitchen 20270 is not sufficient to determine whether "20273 is noticeably better than 20270"
I skimmed most of this thread and was going to post exactly that but gguru beat me to it.
I never ran 20270, but really 20273 is hardly any different than 19965. The changes leading up to my 3.2.5 were mostly in OEM. I usually wait for a new CE OS to make a new release and that has probably lead to some confusion for users of my stuff, as to what difference CE OS really makes.
Originally Posted by gguruusa
If there's something that Bepe's v2 buildos is more clear or easier on...let me know. As far as I'm aware, PPCKitchen's buildos is a superset.
only the proxy thing, whats up with that?

it may not be an issue for me anymore anyways.
I really fail to understand why people think DCD's kitchen isn't compatible.
agreed. other people have packaged it for ppckitchen before and it worked fine. it is still on my list of things to do but i was waiting for that proxy update.