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Old 08-21-2008, 07:10 PM
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Re: Next WM release any time soon?

Originally Posted by electronicrice View Post
Unfortunately you've missed the point. Though they may be useful for some, other do not want to have them forcibly installed. If I didn't know how to remove those apps, then I would have to live with them being installed even if I don't want them. That's contradicts the idea of a kitchen.

And though my "benchmark" may not not have any value to YOU, it certainly does to me and I, along with others I know, notice the difference. Question for you, why are you using DCD's 3.2.5 and not PPCKitchen?
Good for you then - I find them useful and I do feel that development towards them is worthwhile. You don't - who cares, looks like you're happy with DCD's ROM anyway? (heck, I'm using it too) Also, no2chem DOES have quite a few useful features - for example, when sliding out the keyboard the device switches to using the NullKB SIP - that's perfect and saves annoyance when using certain applications.

When it comes to computing, you can't just say you 'notice' a difference, you have to have real figures/benchmarks to stand behind that. If you don't, then there's simply no argument. I personally haven't seen any difference whatsoever. But, I don't even think that's a valid argument - actual benchmarks would need to be done to prove this, AND it should be done on multiple devices, etc.

I'm using DCD simply because that's what I feel like using at the moment, I was using no2chem's pre8 for a while and it's quite a nice piece of work, just not what I need at the moment (I'm also waiting for him to sort out some of the bugs, which are to be expected considering all of the features he is adding). no2chem's ROMs tend to have quite a few bells and whistles and I personally like that quite a bit. DCD on the other hand seems to be focusing on making cleaner ROMs - I feel these are just two different approaches and fill a different niche. There's no point in arguing about this at all.

Last edited by gsvnet; 08-21-2008 at 07:12 PM.
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