Originally Posted by nitro66215
I did a test. Had VZW flashed... upgraded to DCD 3.2.5 / radio 3.42.50... and got it programmed so that I had phone/sms/data working, with the stupid roaming still. I did the refurb exe with /refurbish... and yes... it reads the sprint data... and rewrites my epst. I had to go back into QPST and reload my proper stuff. So... with that being said... is there a way to "Hack"/"ReWrite" the Sprint Data area and ERI of the phone using a hex editor or QPST?
Nope the NVM area on the titan and vogue are locked inside & the NVM it contains that data. Certain areas of the NVM such as the CID and esn can be changed using mtty if you have a MFG bootloader such as the olipro 2.40. Check my thread on 6700 to verizon linked above and click on the supercid info link for the 6800 for some info.