VZW VX6800, ROM 3.56, Radio 3.42.50
Okay, I have never had a problem like this until now. I recently had to replace my VX6800 because of a cracked screen. When I got the replacement, I updated to the newest Radio and cooked a ROM based on 20270. Everything works flawlessly until I am at work. I worked at a power plant where the reception in buildings is very little. The company purchased and installed a few cell phone boosters with the external antennas and the whole nine yards. Before this new phone, new Radio, and new ROM I was able to use the signal from the repeaters, now I can't. My phone sees the signal, but will not use it for data or voice. I can't even dial *228. I can walk outside and use my phone no problem. I am totally confused at what to do next. Anybody have any ideas or suggestions? I am also running PRL version 51056.