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Old 08-21-2008, 08:45 AM
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Re: Touch Need older Rom

Originally Posted by rain1177 View Post
Hey guys,
I hope someone can help me with this i installed the new ROM on my gf's touch (sprint) and its been acting funny and I need to install an older original sprint rom. The phone keeps shutting down and i have re-installed it twice already and my gf is throwing a b%$#@ fit over this!!

I have googled, searched xda, howard forums and but couldnt find an older version of the ruu file for the touch. I have searched all over and I dont want to unlock her phone and install an alternative rom. If anyone has a copy of an older rom I want anything that is not windows 6.1 please let me know where to find this. thanks

Be advised of the following from
WARNING: Users should not attempt to load an older version of Touch ROM software after loading version 3.03.651.4. Please delete any earlier versions of the Touch ROM software you may have downloaded previously to your PC.
You will do irreparable damage to the phone's operation as the radio has already been upgraded and I believe something about that is irreversible. I would send you the older ROM, but you will be even more pissed at the results of rolling back to the old ROM. I can sympathize, though. I hate the new ROM as well. I'm thinking about unlocking and grabbing a ROM online here or over at XDA.
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