Originally Posted by tn_friend
I really like the changes made to the most recent version of this...when you miss calls and push the phone icon it directs you to the missed calls in Fun Contact (if you have it installed as well)...very nice!!
For some reason, this doesn't work for me. When I have missed calls, it still takes me to the phone dialer screen. But overall, I agree. 1.1 is WAY better. Still a little ways to go, but it looks like they are taking our suggestions seriously. One of the main things that I was complaining about earlier is the fact that you couldn't turn their slide to unlock screen off. Well, now you can! Also, they made the calendar a little sexier and as stated before, they made the gesture more unique. I also like the addition of being able to choose/make shortcuts for individual files because now there is a way to do Sprint Music Store. (Menu, Files, Windows, Start Menu, Programs, Sprint Music).
I still wish that tapping the battery icon did something, still nothing. I would also like to be able to disable the opening gesture all together and use a mapped button. Also, why the f can we still not fill the whole screen? I still don't get not being able to put an icon in the bottom right hand corner!!! But overall, BIG step in the right direction! Keep it up VITO