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Old 08-20-2008, 04:43 PM
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Re: Just how tough IS the Sprint Touch?

Im glad your story came out with a happy ending... heres my story...

I was walking down the stairs in my office building and I went to go take out my phone. As I am getting my phone from my pocket, I tripped on the stair and I reached out for the hand rail. Unfortunately, my phone was halfway out of my pocket and as I trying not to fall, I saw my phone hop down the stairs from step to step.

I was at the top of the stairs and it fell down(14 concrete steps), slamed into the wall on the other side of the landing and laid there in the classic three pieces. Sure enough, the LCD was cracked, spidering from the lower right hand corner out to the rest of the screen. It still operated, as I received a text message after I turned it on, but was not able to view the message. I must also note that the touch function still worked... just the glass in the LCD screen cracked.

Fortunately, at that time, I have only had the phone for two weeks. I waited for the battery to fully die and told verizon that it just stopped working on me. They gave me a new with no questions asked.

I now have a silicone cover and a screen protector on the new one, so hopefully it will protect againstany future falls. After a month
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