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Old 08-20-2008, 11:24 AM
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Re: Creating Custom OEM's and problems with current OEM's

Originally Posted by joojoobee666 View Post
Ok, so my fear is correct (which is kinda crappy), if I were to make sure the registry settings matched the new path (a.k.a windows) I'm geussing all would be well (as far as my Custom made OEM's are concerned)? Also, I noticed that quite a few of my cab->OEM conversions are prepending the files with a 000-, any easy way to stop this from happeneing? (other than manually renaming and fixing the initflashfiles.txt)
You can stop the 000- prefix by unchecking "Prefix files for duplicate in package subfolders" in the lower left when you first open Erivus's package creator...
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