Originally Posted by rennyn
Please read the whole thread. The stuff peels off and looks like s***, and ended up not working.
i suggest that you yourself read the whole thread instead of skimming through looking at images. there are several posters posting different ideas, including the OP posting veriants of his original idea,yet the only problem with the OP was that his case pealed a corner and he removed the front piece( which removed itself very cleanly). the only reason for this was that he admitedly didnt use any kind of prep material before applying the spray rubber. had he used a primer or adhesion promoter there would be no issues what-so-ever. he also admited to constantly dropping his phone on concrete floors, causing tears in the rubber( expected with any rubberized case) which he didnt like. for the majority of users this would provide the perfect color solution and grip solution. its not meant to fully protect the phone from constant high impact abuse. Please read more carefully and think about your posts befor u decide to crap all over someone elses thread.