Originally Posted by Torx
i couldnt see using the phone for torrenting or downloading music and movies, thats just dumb.
this phone is purely for browsing and downloading cabs or small files for phone use.
although 5gb is a bit lean, i would say 10gb would be ideal on the safe side.
5 gb is a bit lean? HAaaa. That's a whole lotta starin' at the 240x240 browser
Although I'm all about testing limits. I think the worst that would/could happen if you abuse it would be that they would shut off your data since technically they can't tell where the data is going w/PDAnet.
You can always log on to your account to monitor the data usage (though that would mean a few more kb of data each time

I don't know, I've heard such wide variability with respect to people getting charged/not charged for data, I'd like to see a dedicated thread with a number of people reporting back their actual monthly usage.