Originally Posted by DavidinCT
For all the people who are trying to justify piracy, think about it this way.
You work a job, 40+ hours a week, you get your check at the end of the week and it's about 25-40% short, you ask why. Your HR department says "some pirate on the internet took your money, nothing we can do it about it and it will continue to happen."
Think about it this way, then sit back and ask youself why you do it. People need to feed their families too.
Would you create a business just to not make any money ?
I'm not a developer, and not perfect on this subject but, this is the way you should look at it...
Think about it this way. I was a software developer in the early 200's mostly on the day trader commodity side. So why was I the first person to actually release a crack for my own software?
Because I'm not ignorant and I understand what it took growing up to be where many of us are and the true side of what the underground is who crackers are and people who use your software. It is that simple either you understand it from being apart of it you acknowledge the free knowledge movement and you embrace being a part of that. Or you walk around being a fascist for the government of which you do not understand.