EZ Install Instructions for nk.nbf
For those "on the fence" who haven't worked with nk.nbf files before, here's how I installed this ROM (I'm with Sprint, but this could be easily adapted to any carrier):
DISCLAIMER: This worked great for me--YMMV. Use at yuor own risk. Be not afraid, however... Actually bricking a 6700 is a very rare event usually prompted by installing the wrong radio ROM.
1. You will need: winrar or winzip, carrier's full installation package, and new nk.nbf file
2. Create a folder and use winzip or winrar to extract the contents of the carrier's installation package into that folder
3. Flatten the directory structure in that folder (move all files from subfolders to root folder and delete empty subfolders)
4. Overwrite nk.nbf from carrier's install package with project ROM nk.nbf
5. Put phone in bootloader mode and connect to USB
6. Run ROMUpgradeUt.exe and follow onscreen instructions
7. IMPORTANT! When prompted to disconnect and soft-reset, DO NOT let carrier customization run (soft-reset again during the 3-second countdown)
8. Instal Total Commander, enter \extended_rom\ and install (double tap) only the necessary components for your carrier (this info is available in many threads on pdaphonehome and ppcgeeks)
9. Enjoy a faster, more stable, and less-obsolete 6700!