Originally Posted by Robtao
Well I think the question of reception is very valid. I have tried 3 different radios on my Verizon 6800 (Titan) and 3 different radios on my Apache 6700, and the best of all is the latest Apache. My issue is that in my home, I get a voice breakup in the form of a 'gurgle' which creates a sort of an "underwater" quality or breakup. I think the hardware 6700 antenna may actually help. But radios make a big difference as well. So I can see trying the Diamond and having to return it if it were just slightly on the weaker side as a phone.
In the basement cell I call my cubicle, I find that the reception on the Diamond is more broken up compared to my Touch, but I haven't dropped a call yet (but it's only been a day or so).