An observation on the soft reset bug:
After a soft reset tonight, the screen locked up. It took a couple of additional soft resets to get it back to normal. Then just for the heck of it, I began soft resetting. Got lots of locked screens. During all of this, I was using my 3rd party extended battery with about 30% charge. Changed batteries to fully charged original Sprint battery. Since then, I've soft reset more than a dozen times with no more lockups. This made me wonder if the battery could be the culprit in the soft reset bug...
Later Edit: Well, today it started locking on soft reset with the Sprint battery. In fact, after several resets, I couldn't get it to go back to normal. I replaced the Sprint battery with the extended third party battery, and then everything was okay again. I haven't the foggiest what all of this means, except changing to a fully charged battery seems to help.