Re: Converted Sprint to Verizon. Roaming now??
Ok... I started from scratch. Some "birdie" told me that since I let the sprint rom run customizations.... it screwed up the PRI/ERI. So.... here's what I did.
1) Ran SPL Relocker
2) Loaded Verizon's Stock Rom/Radio and let it run Customizations.
At this point... the phone still said roaming. When I checked the "NAM" settings, they still said SPCS.
Is there no way to "ERASE" the PRI/ERI and load from scratch?
Edit: With the stock Verizon ROM/Radio.. I did a Hard-Reset. This got everything to VZW in the NAM Settings... but the PRI is still 2.00_003. And the ERI when read using #Help... gives a read error. I've tried redoing it with ##eri... but I get a write error as well.
Last edited by nitro66215; 08-19-2008 at 10:08 AM.