Originally Posted by holo
because you can easily do everything you can do with IR in bluetooth to any device made in the past 5 years? it didn't even work well as a remote (no software supports mogul afaik and the port isn't even powerful enough to use more than a few feet away). basically, bluetooth is the future for everything the IR port does and it works great (and faster/no direct LOS needed). IR takes up precious space in the device and also adds a little to the price of the device. It is completely unnecessary at this point.
you'll just have to start sending your topless photos via bluetooth I guess.... this phone has everything I want and then some - who cares about IR? it has >4x the memory, a faster processor, 2x the rom, graphics acceleration, vga, and tons more that is extra over the mogul - it really is the biggest upgrade we have seen in a long time.... of course I am starry eyed....
Excuse my ignorance, but can you transfer files using bluetooth? I've used the IR only for beaming a program to a friend or family member's phone that had a pda phone w/ IR.
Again, I'm totally ignorant about it, so I really have no clue about the answer.
Thx In Advance.