OK, I've fixed the launcher to show local time (still uses the same graphics as the original iPh... version) It looks like v. 1.23 of the PPL uses a new unicode font process that is causing our errors with the slide lock. v. 1.22 doesn't seem to have that problem, and the developer says 1.24 won't have the problem either. I'm going to try the 1.22 and see if I can get the original slide lock to compile.
Edit: I have fixed the old fish one to show the local time. Load time is now 3-4 seconds (much faster) The TSlauncher.zip now includes the fixed launcher and the fixed fish slide lock.
I also fixed the latest PPCgeeks slide lock. It is attached. 3-4 second load and much smaller memory footprint, about 5.8 MB by my rough measurement.