Originally Posted by SBR_L3GION
was able to up the new ROMs sooner than i thought so both ROMs are up in the ftp. just go here. oh and btw the way they should be UC compatible so if someone could test that out for me that would be much appreciated since i personelly dont use UC but i do notice more RAM after i reset
Hi SBR_L3GION i flash my mogul whith Clean V3 and the UC don't work
Excellente Work, the Rom is fast.
How i can disable the untrusted certificate mensage when i try to install a program?
EDIT: i found it
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policies\Policies\0000 1001 = 1
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policies\Policies\0000 1005 = 40
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policies\Policies\0000 1017 = 144
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \Security\Policies\Policies0000 101b = 1
Sorry about poor english