Okay guys I want to say I appreciate your advice. Its around 4am my time and luckly for me A) I don' thave to go to work, B) I was too busy today to order the 700p and C) you guys helped me to realized maybe I didn't do something right since you have so much space and I didn't.
So today I decided to reset my device and start over again from stratch. With that said, I installed the apps to my storage card all except the MMS app which I was told to install to my device. This time around I have about 47MB in free space available on my device. Weird but I guess I perhaps did something wrong since this is my first time having to install so much to my phone. With that said, I think I may keep my phone now. Explore some new things and kinda work out this love/hate relationship with the Treo 700wx.
I'm sure many newbies will experience the same problems as me. So with that said, hopefully this helps! Thanks for your responses!