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Old 08-17-2008, 02:12 PM
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Re: All this talk and no one asks how it works as a phone!

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
Very true, but only slightly. In general most of sprints phones get the same reception, but every once in awhile they come up with a phone that won't get that reception, since i use to work at sprint as a tech, the phones that mostly had reception problems were the samsungs, but that wasn't even all of them, just some of them. Basically what we expect from the diamond is at least as good as reception fromt he touch and mogul, then they can't go wrong.
Maybe I'll find out on Monday... I work in the basement of an office, and I often get dropped calls on my Touch due to poor reception.

Telus Touch Diamond owner since 08/15/2008
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