Re: 6700 ---> 6800 via insurance swap?
Thanks guys/gals for posting this !!!!
I was on my 3rd phone and all of a sudden it stops reading flash cards. No matter how they were formated, would not read them. Then I read this.
So I call customer service, the nice lady I talked to said, "I can give you the same phone but, if I was you, I would try your local store"
Wanted to add some more detail here. So when I went into the verizon store to the tech support desk, he looks up my account, told me to wait "I have to get a manager involved" and came out. He didn't even ask me what was wrong with the phone till he had the 6800 in his hand to swap out.
I just came back from the verizon store, with a brand new XV6800 !
Thank you again !
BTW: this was all done through verizon, as there was no damage to the phone, just stopped working correctly
Last edited by DavidinCT; 08-18-2008 at 12:30 PM.