WMWiFiRouter not connecting.
WMWiFiRouter v1.10
I installed WMWiFi with the wifi turned on on my phone. At first it hangs while it waits forever for ICS, so I have to manually create an Ad Hoc network that connects to the internet and name it WMwifirouter. Now WMWiFiRouter says "connected to WMwifirouter - Ready" but if I go into Wi-Fi Settings the WMwifirouter network is always in "Connecting" status. This is getting frustrating.
Ad-Hoc Network:
Name: WMwifirouter
Connects To: Work
This is a hidden network: unchecked
This is a device to device (ad-hoc) connection: checked
Authentication: Open
Data Encryption: Disabled
IEEE Network Access Control: unchecked
Last edited by fuzzybabybunny; 08-16-2008 at 01:53 PM.