Re: Titan Radio ROM 3.42.50
Just thought I would post another update. This radio WORKED (as in PAST tense) great for me...UNTIL...I reflashed with another cooked 20270 ROM. After the reflash, my GPS locks went back to the old 5-20 min lock. Kinda weird. Reflashed about 3 days ago, and it's been suckin as bad as 3.42.30 ever since. Same old ****... This morning, for example, it took over 30 minutes to lock in (that includes a reboot in between). I did make some other changes today to some Quick GPS reg settings (changed mode from 2 to 4) that SEEM to have made everything better this evening, but it could be the dreaded "Placebo" effect plaguing me... Anyone else experience anything like this with radio updates/OS ROM flashes?
Last edited by joojoobee666; 08-15-2008 at 10:53 PM.