I flashed my phone back to PR6 last night and gave it a good run through soft resetting about 200 times without having any lockups. I tried soft resetting locked and unlocked also while tapping the screen (while resetting as it seemed to lock more with screen tap activity in pr5).
I also tried a few hard resets in between as well just to have it re-initalize. Most of the testing was done without any extended rom being loaded, but in the last few (30 or so) I loaded the full stock sprint extended without soft locks (Did notice that the today would not alwyas load correctly not showiny the two sprint today apps on occasion, again this was only after loading the stock rom which is bad anyway as it overwirites newer system files). During the resets I loaded apps (mainly bubble breaker as this was also indicated as an issue) and had no problem getting it to load. I did not dive into any of BB's menus but did load the app a number of times after soft and hard resets.
The only thing I can say on the issues is that all hardware must not be created equal or its 3rd party. I will ask any of you out there that have had and issue with soft locks or BB not loading, to try this themselves .
1- Remove your SD card.
2- Hard reset,
3- Download and reload the latest PR6.
4- Hard reset and go through welcome skipping all.
5- soft reset instead of running the extended rom.
6 -Now soft reset as many times as you can with the device locked and unlocked. Try tapping the screen during resets and try loading bubblebreaker from time to time and see if you can repro a lock or the issue with BB not loading.
I am at a loss as to why this is not working for some of you unless it is hardware related or a 3rd party app.
tneck22: I am not usre on the first issue since it is not working on any 3.5 roms. On the alarms, check sonds and notifications as this should allow you to turn the notifications on and off. I have re-ocuring events from work that I have not had any issue with. It could be a 3rd part app the made a chnage possibly as well. SOme will not revert changes when removed as well so you may need to do a hard reset and check that way as well if its not in Sounds and notifications.
SportbikeRiderXX: You have to enable Cleartype in IE as well as from the GUI. Same with landscape view. I did not change the font so unless you had an app do it, I can not see what else would have changed unless it is loading one of the fonts that was included with MS reader.