Originally Posted by Peteman100
I've been using the version of your rev A ROM that preceeded the latest one. But strangely, I don't see GPS Viewer in my SYS folder or the SYS folder of your newest ROM. Am I totally blind?
alot roms have come through my kitchen, it's possible it was left out in one of them....matter of fact I do recall omitting it when the Sprint rom came out, cuz I figured we wouldn't need it anymore....lol
I do know that it IS in my current 3.03.08 custom rom.....I have never decompiled my own roms b4, but I did last night to see, and it was in SYS.
btw...if you didn't already know, when you're building a rom from scratch you don't put your OEMs in the SYS folder, they go into the OEM folder.....I'm not sure why when you decompile a custom rom, they get thrown into SYS...fyi