Originally Posted by d.raw247@gmail.com
no check out the icube just as good with better looking icons, i think
icube is not fully compatible with the new ROMs.
Originally Posted by acosacos
ok im guess im stupid, but how do you get the transparent clock to work and how do you add stuff to the cube example i want a programs button and icon. can someone help
There is no clock on the cube. A "Programs" button can be made by pointing one of the buttons to \Windows\folderview.exe
Originally Posted by trip
How can I add contacts to another cube side? Basically I would liek to see the quick dial contacts on 2 sides of the cube instead of one.
You cannot add another QuickDial side, but you can point your APLauncher buttons to dial a contact:
Path = \Windows\MakePhoneCall.exe
Param="Telephone Number Here"